Monday, August 31, 2009

Shallow thoughts

Sometimes I feel like experiments are performance art with no audience.


Mad Hatter said...

Nah...they just have a deferred audience. Think of it as performance art being Tivoed, and then watched on fast-forward by your paper's reviewers. :-)

Nat Blair said...

Good point; my simile did fail on the audience end of the equation. Your TiVo formulation is great! Fast forward - HA!

PUI prof said...

True artists make art because they MUST create, not necessarily to show others. Perhaps you MUST record? :)

My "art" is even more so late at night in the dark room by a rig singing to my green cells...

Nat Blair said...

Oh there's no doubt that I need to record PUI prof. Before we had to kids I would hit the pillow thinking about currents and protocols, and wake up picking up where I left off. Now I just sleep like a rock. Until one of them wakes.

In fact, I've been doing so much calcium imaging lately that I'm getting a real hankering to bust out some pipettes!